People Who Write ‘U’ Instead Of ‘You’ Save 8 Minutes A Year: Report
SHORT CUT: It may seem like a minimal change, but writing 'u' instead of 'you' could save you big-time. Well, 8 minutes every year to be exact. That's the finding of a new report by the Time Management Association. It...
“Young People Get So Easily Offended These Days,” Says Boomer Offended By Grace Tame
OFF POINT: A Sydney boomer has taken exception with Grace Tame's National Press Club address yesterday. "Honestly I'm getting so sick of this girl," Paul Partridge shouted at his TV. "She's not Australian of The Year anymore. It's time she...
Local Woman Sacks Her Personal Trainer After Discovering He Doesn’t Have A Sleeve Tattoo
GETTING PERSONAL: A Sydney woman is on the hunt for a new personal trainer today after her first ever PT session yesterday left her feeling dissatisfied. "He seemed like a decent trainer and everything," says Nancy Wright. "I got a...
Relief, As Staff Shortages Allow Diners To Talk Without Being Interrupted By Waiters Every 10 seconds
EAT IN PEACE: As staff shortages cripple large parts of the Australian economy, it's providing a rare reprieve for one industry. A new report shows restaurant patronage has increased 14% compared to pre-covid times, as diners enjoy eating and chatting...
“I’m Not Going Out Tonight Due To Covid,” Says Man Who Wasn’t Invited Anywhere
HOME ALONE: For a second consecutive year, Neil Blunden is spending New Year's Eve at home, alone. "Case numbers are exploding," says the 38 year old. "I don't want to risk it. That's why I'm staying in again this year."...
61% Of Sydney Residents Plan On Taking A Sleeping Pill Before 10.30pm Tonight: Report
KNOCKOUT BLOW: If you're thinking of not doing anything tonight for New Year's Eve, you're not alone. A new report by consumer group Choice shows fear about exploding covid case numbers is leading unprecedented numbers of Sydney residents to take...