Local News
“It feels scary out here in the western suburbs,” says Rose Bay man visiting Broadway Shopping Centre
INNER WEST: In a tale of urban adventure and unexpected bravery, a Rose Bay man has recounted his experience on the other side of the city at Broadway Shopping Centre. Ned Coutts refers to the area as the 'Western Suburbs,'...
Stay-at-home mum updates LinkedIn job title to ‘Interior Designer’ after buying a chair for her living room
HIDDEN TALENT: The purchase of a stylish chair from the Harvey Norman website has pushed a Sydney mother of two to make the next bold step in her career. Amy Bridge has changed her LinkedIn job title to 'Interior Designer'...
Diehard Bulldogs supporter wears Roosters jersey to Double Bay, in failed bid to get into the Golden Sheaf
NOT FROM ROUND HERE: A Western Sydney man failed to impress door staff at the Golden Sheaf Hotel in Double Bay last night. Despite being a staunch Canterbury-Bankstown supporter, Michael Tobin has crossed enemy lines, by putting on a Roosters...
Half-hearted jog quickly transforms into impressive gallop, as runner passes diners outside Margaret Double Bay
HARD YARDS: On the verge of exhaustion and close to vomiting, a Sydney runner has managed to pick up the pace as he ran through Double Bay's busy shopping areas. DBT captured the above photo of Tom Hirst, flashing a...
Local real estate agent still flaunting heavily branded BMW umbrella, 30 minutes after it stopped raining: Report
BRANDING EXERCISE: A recent run of wet weather in Sydney is being welcomed by local real estate agent Mark Arnold as a chance to use his heavily branded BMW umbrella. But there are reports today that he was still using...
“Hydration & clean living are the key to my youthful skin,” claims Bondi woman who spends 25k a year on cosmetic injections
AU NATURALE: A youthful looking Bondi woman has today made the stunning claim that her flawless complexion is the result of nothing more than a strict clean eating regime and drinking plenty of water. Vanessa Ticehurst, 44, regularly shares her...
Coogee man tries making his friends in Positano jealous by posting a selfie at Gordon’s Bay
DIGGING DEEP: Like many Australians, local man Gary Sirocco can't afford to go overseas this winter. "It's been difficult seeing my friends relentlessly posting photos from idyllic European locations," he told DBT. "So I thought I'd give them a taste...
Iconic Coca-Cola sign at Kings Cross replaced by a billboard for new Hydrogen Water drink
HARD LAUNCH: In a move shaking up one of Sydney’s most iconic landmarks, the famous Coca-Cola sign at Kings Cross has been replaced by a billboard promoting a brand new health drink: Hydrogen Water. The decision, spearheaded by City of...
NSW Premier unveils plans for ‘Vivid, Western Sydney,’ to be held at Penrith Panthers Leagues Club pokies room
MONEY SPINNER: In an ambitious and somewhat ironic move to bring the spirit of the Vivid Sydney light festival to the western suburbs, the NSW Premier has announced the inaugural 'Vivid, Western Sydney.' "For too long, the light and magic...