Local News
Man Who Started Wearing Rolled Up Jeans Now Considering Move To Surry Hills
ON A ROLL: A Sydney man has spoken candidly about the moment he decided to start wearing rolled up jeans. "It's obviously quite mainstream now," acknowledges Nate Silby. "And I've tried it in the mirror at home, but didn't feel...
CRYPTO CRASH: Bitcoin Heavyweight Forced Back To Old Job Selling Real Estate & MDMA
ALL TIME LOW: Continuing heavy falls in cryptocurrency prices has led one Sydney man to return to his previous employment as a real estate agent and MDMA dealer. "It's a great time to buy," Nathan Bloom told DBT. "The property...
Woman’s “Thanks For All Your B’day Love” FB Post, Deemed Transparent Bid For Even More Attention
SPECIAL DAY: A local woman on Facebook is milking her birthday for as much attention as possible. On her big day yesterday, Kate Sanders received hundreds of 'happy birthday' wishes on her wall. She also got 81 likes on a...
Abbie Chatfield Admits To Intentionally Swimming In Dangerous Rips, Just To Get On ‘Bondi Rescue’
CAREER RESCUE: Controversial reality TV star Abbie Chatfield has come clean on her high-risk strategy to ensure she continues to appear on Australian television. "I've been swimming into heavy surf and dangerous rips at North Bondi when the Bondi Rescue...
Recently Separated Man Devastated He Can’t Keep Things In His Wife’s Handbag Anymore
BURDEN TO CARRY: For the last three years Andrew Prasad has enjoyed keeping his keys, asthma spray and other assorted items in his wife's handbag. But after separating from her last week, the 31 year old has been left devastated....
Planet Saved After Local Influencer Buys ‘Low Impact Fibre’ Dress From JAG
SUSTAINABLE FASHION: A Sydney influencer has reversed decades of global environmental decline by purchasing a 'low impact fibre' skirt from Australian fashion brand, JAG. "It's been super rewarding to give something back to the planet," says Rachel Carter. Taking advantage...
SKIN IN THE GAME: Man Now Only Socialising With People Who Have Crypto Portfolios Above $100k
CRYPTO CREW: A Sydney cryptocurrency enthusiast has announced a new plan to only spend time with people who are also heavily invested in digital currencies. "Time is money," says James Tyler. "And the crypto market is open 24/7 so I...
Local Man Unhappy With $30 Wash Of His Car Worth $400k, Done By Workers On $19 An Hour
DRIVEN MAD: A Double Bay retiree has been lecturing the local car wash manager about the quality of the wax job on his vehicle. "How hard can it be to get a decent wash and polish these days?" asked Phil...
ALL TALK: ‘Let’s Do A Boys Trip To Ibiza!’ Texts Mate Who Can’t Even Show Up To Beers In Bondi
SURE MATE: A Sydney man is being accused of being 'all talk and no action' after suggesting an elaborate and costly 'boys trip' to Europe. Mike Maxwell (pictured on the left) is well known for constantly letting his friends down...
Entire Friendship Now Solely Based On Liking Each Other’s Instagram Posts
STILL IN TOUCH: Two local men say their friendship is as strong as ever, even though they've barely spoken since 2015. "I don't think people need to talk or see each other in person to have thriving friendships," says Tom...