Local News
‘Business Coach’ Filming Selfie Video While Driving, Not Even Going Anywhere
DRIVING FORCE: A self-described 'business coach' is using a camera mounted to his dashboard to film selfie videos while driving, in a desperate bid to seem busy. "I just thought I'd jump on here quickly," Ron Millar says at the...
VOTE BUYING: PM Passes New Laws Allowing 4WD’s To Park In Eastern Suburbs Loading Zones
ELECTION SWEETENER: Drivers of four-wheel drives and other off road vehicles in Sydney's east will be allowed to park in loading zones, under new laws passed last week. "The federal government is committed to making life easier for owners of...
Local Cannabis Users Call For A Ban On Music With Siren Sounds In It
SMOKE ALARM: A coalition of Sydney marijuana users have launched a campaign to outlaw siren-like noises in music. The motorists say the music can trigger heavy paranoia, which in turn leads to increased danger at the wheel. "Every time I...
Local 58 Year Old Man Now Finally Confident Using The Supermarket Self-Checkout
CHECKED OUT: The transition to supermarket self-checkout has happened a little slower for some. Wherever possible, 58 year old Harvey Walker still uses checkout operators to scan his groceries for him. "Or if the supermarket only has self-checkout, I have...
Sydney Man Calls The SES After Forgetting To Take His Umbrella On A Walk In Hyde Park
DISASTER RELIEF: A Darlinghurst man is calling for urgent help from the State Emergency Service (SES) as rain continues to batter the state. Tom Hooper went for a walk through Hyde Park in Sydney's CBD this afternoon, but was caught...