
Planet Saved After Local Influencer Buys ‘Low Impact Fibre’ Dress From JAG

SUSTAINABLE FASHION: A Sydney influencer has reversed decades of global environmental decline by purchasing a ‘low impact fibre’ skirt from Australian fashion brand, JAG.

“It’s been super rewarding to give something back to the planet,” says Rachel Carter.

Taking advantage of the Australian retailer’s Black Friday offers, she bought the dress at JAG’s newest store which has just opened in Double Bay.

“It’s so nice to know that I can go to bed tonight knowing that Australia is well on the way to net zero,” she says. “I might also buy one of JAG’s linen tops next week.”

She also plans to update her instagram bio to ‘climate campaigner,’ despite spending the majority of her days driving her gas guzzling Range Rover between local cafes.

More to come.
