
Scientists confirm Valium is significantly more effective than meditation: Report

QUICK FIX: Researchers from Sydney University say drugs like Valium and Xanax are significantly more helpful in dealing with anxiety, depression and panic disorders.
“Our study shows benzodiazepine medications work quicker and more effectively than any kind of meditation or visualisation technique.” says report author Nick Fulton.

The study was prompted by separate research showing stress levels at record highs, as Australians grapple with a cost of living crisis and continued global uncertainty.

“There’s a lot of anxiety out there at the moment,” says Nick Fulton. “Honestly now is not the time to start trialing new age relaxation techniques.”

“We recommend the use of drugs like Valium or Xanax for quick, hassle free and guaranteed relief.”

DBT also asked the researchers about the merits of using benzodiazepines and meditating at the same time.

“That could work,” says Nick Fulton. “But don’t try meditating without the drugs. There’s probably not much point.”

The Sydney University’s full report is due for release next week.