QLD Retiree In Hospital After Covid Vaccine Overdose, Gets Surprise Visit From Pete Evans
Former celebrity chef Pete Evans has paid a surprise visit to an elderly Queensland woman in hospital after receiving an overdose of the Covid vaccine.
“This is why I’m an anti-vaxxer,” he told the woman, who appeared confused about who Evans is, and what he was doing in her hospital room.
“An untrained doctor has given you four times the correct dose,” he told her. “I think there’s a chance you could even mutate into a bat.”
But thankfully Evans’ visit was short-lived. As he continued his anti-vax rant, security forcibly removed him from the hospital.
So far the woman and a man who also overdosed on the Covid vaccine are showing no signs of any adverse reaction.
But Pete Evans remains outside the hospital staging a one man anti-vax protest.
More to come.