Premier Urges ‘Black Lives Matter’ Activists To Stage Protest Via Zoom Meeting
It’s the video conferencing app helping to keep the world feeling connected during COVID-19.
And, today the NSW premier has asked Black Lives Matter activists to stage their planned protest tomorrow via a Zoom meeting.
“It’s important that we honour people’s right to protest,” says Gladys Berejiklian. “But we need to ensure protesting is done in a COVID safe way.”
It follows the state government’s announcement this afternoon that it will seek to make tomorrow’s Sydney protest illegal.
“Please stay at home,” says the Premier. “You can make your feelings known safely from the comfort of your own living room.”
But protest organisers say a Zoom meeting won’t be effective, as activists would all be talking over the top of each other.
“We need all voices to be heard,” says organiser Henry Timms. “This Zoom meeting suggestion is just the latest attempt by the government to keep us quiet.”
Telecommunications experts are also raising concerns, saying the NBN is too slow to allow an expected 10,000 protestors onto the video call.
More to come.