
New Freedom For The Vaccinated: Premier Announces ‘Singles Bubbles’ Now Allowed Threesomes

New South Wales residents in a singles bubble can look forward to new freedoms next week, as long as they’re vaccinated.

DBT can reveal exclusively that two people in a singles bubble will be allowed to invite a third person into their group.

“This is a small but important step forward in returning freedoms to our community,” says Premier Gladys Berejiklian. “It’s definitely time to open things up a bit.”

The new rule will take effect from September 1, but the Premier was quick to point out that three people is the “absolute maximum” for vaccinated singles bubbles.

“I know some of you might get excited and start having more than three, but I ask you to exercise restraint. We’re all in this together.”

The Premier refused to comment on whether she’d be inviting a third person into her own singles bubble.