Double Bay trust fund recipients celebrate public holiday, despite not having jobs
ALL PLAY, NO WORK: A group of Sydney trust fund recipients are having a party to mark the King’s birthday.
However DBT can reveal none of them have had jobs, apart from a few days work experience at their parents’ large multinational corporations.
The party goers have gathered today on the penthouse rooftop of a Double Bay apartment building.
“OMG, it’s so good to have the day off,” said Lara Chambers-Winter, who was out partying hard for the entire weekend.
“And, we’ll probably do the same thing again tomorrow.”
“We’ve been drinking French champagne and Aperol Spritz while chatting about Sydney property prices and overseas travel plans,” said Ms Chambers Winter.
“On Thursday I’m going back to the Maldives, courtesy of my mum’s frequent flyer points.”
It’s understood the group are going to Catalina for dinner tonight, followed by drinks and bags at Icebergs.