‘WILL WE SURVIVE?’ Tax changes force Rose Bay family to cut back full-time private chef, to only 5 days a week
DOING IT TOUGH: The Labor government’s revamped tax plan is having a devastating effect on one family in Sydney’s east.
Changes to the stage 3 tax cuts mean the Stanforth family of Rose Bay will get a smaller tax break than expected.
“The PM’s backflip is hurting us badly,” the father told DBT.
He says they’re being forced to make a range of cutbacks to their lifestyle, including reducing their full-time private chef to only five days a week.
“We might have to go out for dinner a few times a week, or even worse, cook something at home.”
“I’ve heard about other people having to do that, but I never thought it would happen to us.”
Mr Stanforth say he was originally planning on keeping the cutbacks a private matter for fear of judgement among other local families.
“But we thought we’d share our story as a cautionary tale. There are lots of people doing it tough at the moment.”
At this stage the family say they have no plans to make cuts to any of their staff.
“But I told my son, our plan to buy the Arsenal football team might have to go on hold for a year or two.”