Premier Gives Year 12 Formals Green Light, With Strict Ban On Pashing And Rooting
School formals have been given the green light to be held in New South Wales.
The state government has announced the end of year celebrations will be allowed from November 12 after the final HSC exam.
But there is one strict caveat.
“Under no circumstances will any pashing or any other sexual activity be allowed,” says Premier Gladys Berejiklian.
“We want students to have something to look forward to after their exams, but all school formals must be held in a COVID-safe way.”
Students who spoke to DBT say the pash ban goes one step too far.
“I couldn’t be bothered going to my formal if I’m not allowed to hook up with anyone,” says one year 12 man. “What’s the fucking point?!”
But the Premier is standing by the ban.
“Even before Coronavirus, many students don’t get a pash at their formals anyway,” she says. “This just creates a level playing field.”