WAY BACK WHEN: A local man has had a surprisingly warm reception to his ‘Throwback Thursday’ Instagram post.
Seizing on the opportunity of today being Thursday, 35 year old Mark Taverner shared a photo of himself in Mykonos from eight years ago.
“I’m really happy for all my friends currently in Mykonos,” he told DBT in a phone interview from his Bondi apartment.
“I just thought it would be a good time to dig up the old photo of me in the same place they are all in now.”
The photo – which shows Mark Taverner looking significantly thinner than he currently is – has so far racked up an impressive 34 likes after 1.5 hours.
“That’s more likes my friends currently in Mykonos are getting on their posts,” claims Taverner.
“But admittedly some people who liked my post may actually think I’m in Mykonos now.”
It’s understood none of his friends in Mykonos are among those to like the post.