Kmart Moves To Distance Itself From The Video Of Nadia Bartel Snorting White Powder
Melbourne influencer Nadia Bartel has made headlines after a video leaked online of her snorting white powder.
But many have been distracted by something else in the clip.
“She’s doing the line off a plate which you can buy from Kmart for $3,” revealed one eagle-eyed Twitter user. “I’ve got those plates at home. I might have to give it a try!”
A social media storm erupted, sending Kmart into damage control.
Tonight the retailer has released a statement, distancing itself from the video.
“We do not condone the type of activities demonstrated in that video,” says Kmart boss Nick Sammat. “And we’re not impressed about a Kmart plate being used.”
But there’s a silver lining for Nadia Bartel.
It’s understood David Jones has approached the 36 year old influencer for a silver tray collaboration.
More to come.