
Darlinghurst Man Wipes 6 Seconds Off Morning Run After Switching To Skintight Lycra Bodysuit

A local man has smashed his personal best time for his morning run by wearing a skin tight lycra body suit.

“I’ve only ever worn this type of thing while out clubbing,” Jamie Curtis joked. “I love it.”

The media sales executive purchased the two-piece active wear suit from Lorna Jane last week.

“It’s super aerodynamic,” he told DBT. “And I love how the pants show a vague outline of my groin.”

The 31 year old says he’ll definitely be wearing the full Lycra body suit for this year’s City2Surf.

“I’ll probably be coming straight from Arq Nightclub if I’m being 100% honest with you.”

Immediately after his record-breaking run this morning, Jamie Curtis and his partner did a photo shoot to celebrate.

He shared a few of the best photos were shared with DBT.

The rest will be shared on Jamie’s instagram “within days.”