Bunnings Karen Refusing To Wear Ventilator Mask After Contracting Serious Case Of Covid-19
A dramatic stand off has emerged between a doctor in intensive care and ‘Bunnings Karen’ who has now contracted a serious case of Covid-19.
Even with extreme difficulty breathing, Bunnings Karen is refusing to wear a ventilator face mask.
“The 1948 charter of human rights says I don’t have to put on your stupid ventilator mask,” she says. “You’re trying to discriminate against me as a woman.”
Bunnings Karen has become well-known for her refusal to wear any kind of face mask, a factor which doctors say contributed to her getting Coronavirus.
“I tested positive for Corona last night but it’s all bullshit,” she says in a video she posted to Facebook a short time ago.
“It’s a SCAMdemic designed to instil fear and sell face masks and ventilator masks.”
Doctors say her respiratory issues are now causing a serious lack of oxygen to her brain, and she’s being urged to start using the ventilator immediately.
“I’m not going to surrender my freedoms,” she says. “I will not be silenced.”