AstraZeneca Now Available In Powder Form To Encourage Vaccinations In Eastern Suburbs
NSW Health is making the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine available in powdered form to help ensure the vaccination roll out continues.
“We’re already seeing a large increase in vaccinations among residents in Sydney’s east,” says the state’s Premier Gladys Berejiklian.
“Residents there appear more comfortable consuming the vaccine as a powder.”
It comes as the NSW government announced a temporary pause on AstraZeneca injections following urgent medical advice relating to a rare but dangerous blood clotting side effect.
“With the vaccine rollout already behind schedule, we’re now forced to implement new ways of administering the drug,” says Ms Berejiklian.
The vaccine powder is available in small clip seal plastic bags at most pharmacies throughout the state, and it remains free of charge.
“I’m on my third bag today,” says one man. “Better to be safe than sorry.”
It’s understood the NSW government is now in talks with Pfizer to also make its vaccine in powdered form.
More to come.