“This One’s For Her Majesty:” Local Man Digs Deep For Excuse To Have Another Line
CROWNING GLORY: A Double Bay man is using far-fetched and insensitive excuses to help justify his drug use.
While out partying last night, Mark Saxby had already consumed 5 lines in 20 minutes when he delicately rolled up a $5 and yelled; “..this one is for Her Majesty.”
“Normally I only use $50 or $100 notes to snort,” he told a DBT reporter today.
“But last night I wanted to pay my respects to the Queen, whose face is printed on the $5.”
Friends of the 34 year old say he’s absolutely kidding himself.
“He’s never cared about the Royal Family before,” they claim.
It’s understood Mark Saxby got no sleep last night and he plans to stay awake for a friend’s wedding today and then to watch his beloved South Sydney play in the semi’s tonight.
“I’ll be fine,” he says. “I’ve got plenty of gear and my trusty $5 note to get me through.”