Sydney couple attempt to make a reservation at Totti’s Bondi by erecting a beach cabana over a table
COPA CABANA: Australia’s ongoing cabana obsession has taken a new turn, with one Sydney couple brazenly erecting a beach cabana over a prime table at Totti’s Bondi.
They arrived just after noon yesterday as the popular restaurant was opening.
“We’ll be back in 30 minutes,” they said to staff, attempting to secure a table for lunch.
“Don’t let anyone take our table!”
But staff quickly pushed back.
“I’m sorry it doesn’t work that way, Totti’s is booked out months in advance,” replied a waiter, before asking the couple to dismantle the cabana and take it away.
It comes amid a cabana epidemic, with beachgoers claiming large areas of sand with their tents, often obstructing everyone else’s view in the process.
The couple could not be reached for comment, but after leaving Totti’s they were later spotted eyeing off a table at Icebergs, cabana duffel bag in hand.