ALL TALK: Local woman Maggie Phillips was caught off guard today by a chance encounter with old friend Karen Johnson, who exclaimed “OMG, I haven’t seen you in ages. I’ve missed you!”
It comes despite Karen Johnson not replying to calls or texts for the better part of a decade.
“Her saying that was a bit rich,” Maggie Phillips told DBT.
“Especially as I texted her only last week to say hi, without any reply.”
“She hugged me as though she was still my best friend. All while I had flashbacks of the ‘read’ notifications on my messages.”
Maggie Phillips says she decided to play it cool in the moment and not mention all her attempts at getting in touch.
“We had a bit of small talk and then she even had the audacity to say: ‘Let’s catch up properly soon.’
“With a hint of sarcasm, I replied: ‘yeah sounds great.’ Then under my breath I said, ‘see you never bitch.'”