
Man trying to spend less time with his wife outraged about Moore Park golf course being cut to nine-holes

MORE PARK: Sydney’s golf community is up in arms today, after the Premier announced Moore Park golf course will be shrunk to just 9 holes to make way for parkland and housing.

“There’s already so much parkland in that area!” club member Mark Vialle told DBT.

“I heard they’re taking away the 16th hole! I love that tee off, because it suits my natural draw.”

But he says his biggest concern is the impact the changes will have on his marriage.

“Honestly playing golf is my only peaceful escape from domestic duties,” he says. “It’s an absolute tragedy.”

The 32 year old has started a petition to stop the plan from going ahead.

“I’ve already got loads of signatures from other like-minded spouses looking to spend more time on the course.”

“If that fails, I’ll have to sign up at Eastlake.”