
Jerry Hall ‘Devastated & Heartbroken’ After Split With Rupert Murdoch, Reports Murdoch Press

LEAD STORY: News Corp media outlets around the world are today reporting exclusively that Jerry Hall is ‘desperate’ to get back together with Rupert Murdoch.

“She cant believe she got dumped by such a good looking and compassionate man,” reports the Daily Telegraph, quoting unnamed sources.

According to the report, the former model and actress has been peppering the 91 year old media mogul with text messages, pleading with him to take her back.

“She’s basically lying in the fetal position on her bathroom floor,” claims the source. “She’s still madly in love with him.”

Over on Sky News – which is also part of Murdoch’s media empire – political commentator Peta Credlin is reporting that she attempted to slide into Rupert’s DM’s, without success.

“He’s a highly sought after young man,” she said last night on Sky News. “It’s no wonder he’s not interested in me.”

However the News Corp reports conflict with statements from Jerry Hall’s close friends.

“She actually divorced him now because she didn’t think he’d live for this long,” the friend told DBT.