Local Pet Owner Accused Of Prioritising Her Dog’s Instagram Account, Over The Actual Dog
A Sydney woman is accused of neglecting her 2 year old Boston Terrier in favour of the dog’s Instagram account.
It’s alleged Alexandra Weir is dressing up her dog, Bobbie, in elaborate costumes, taking copious amounts of photos and then sharing them with the dog’s 3,800 followers.
“We’ve been really busy lately,” says the 22 year old dog owner. “The instagram account is really taking off.”
But DBT understands that Bobbie is suffering from early stages of malnutrition and hasn’t been walked in 3 days.
Animal welfare groups say Instagram dog neglect is a growing problem in Sydney.
“Owners are urged to put down their phones and spend some quality time with their pets,” says Martin O’Neil from the RSPCA.
“The dogs receive no benefit from having a large amount of Instagram followers.”
Alexandra Weir has pledged to take her dog out for a walk “sometime this week” but in the meantime is urging anyone to follow her dog on Instagram @bobbiethedogger.