THE GREAT ESCAPE: A landmark new report has shed light on the significant time savings available to those willing to avoid friends and acquaintances on the street.
“Often I see people I know walking toward me on the same footpath, so I’ll quickly cross the road so I don’t have to say hello,” one survey participant told DBT.
“It’s very useful for avoiding ex-girlfriends, colleagues and even family friends.”
The report, by the Pedestrian Council of Australia, shows using these types of tactics can save up to two days worth of generic banter every year.
“Time is money,” says another survey respondent. “The key is to cross the road and try not to look back.”
“Sometimes people will yell out to say hi while I’m crossing the road, but by then it’s too late for me to come back to talk. It works really well.”
Conversely, the report also shows that a growing number of Australians cross the road just to get a closer look at attractive people they see on the other side.