Margaret restaurant Double Bay now rejecting anyone who didn’t go to private school
“Margaret is not just a fine dining establishment, says Perry. “It’s a lifestyle.”
“We need to make sure we’re attracting the right crowd, and also keeping the riff raff out.”
Patrons must now prove they went to private school to make a booking.
And door staff are checking school records of those without bookings, to ensure they also meet the criteria.
“I think it’s a great initiative,” one former Kambala student told DBT. “My parents didn’t pay $40,000 a year school fees for nothing.”
But former public school students say they are the victims of discrimination.
“I don’t see why it should matter,” says Mark Rule, who went to Randwick Boys High.
“I finished school 12 years ago, and most people I know who went to private school are absolute battlers nowadays anyway.”
Restaurant management says anyone who is rejected from the venue is urged to dine at the ‘Ogalo’ fast food outlet on New South Head Rd.
“Because they probably wouldn’t get into the Sheaf or The Oak either to be honest.”