Cyclist shaves 1.34 seconds off lap of Centennial Park after switching to skin tight lycra
DRESSED TO THE NINES: A 69 year old cyclist has smashed his personal best time for a lap of Centennial Park thanks to a striking yellow & black body hugging lycra outfit.
“The lycra makes me so much more aerodynamic and less susceptible to injury,” he says. “Believe it or not, I used to just wear normal shorts and a t-shirt.”
This morning Roger Mapstead recorded 7 minutes and 14.31 seconds for the 3.7km course.
But DBT understands it took him 12 minutes and 6 seconds just to squeeze his ample frame into his new outfit.
And, like most cyclists, he ignored the 30km Centennial Park speed limit for bikes and cars.
“Sometimes to achieve your goals in life you have to tear up the rule book,” he says. “That’s what I did this morning!”
The Dover Heights CEO says buying an expensive bike and cycling kit is a more healthy and affordable response to a midlife crisis than buying an expensive sports car.
“My ultimate goal is to purchase enough gear and accessories to be invited for coffee with the other riders after our Sunday morning sessions,” he says.
“Maybe if I get a bright pink outfit with more fake sponsors, I’ll get the call up.”