
“Sugar is toxic” claims nutritionist with silicone breast implants & face full of botox

BITTER SWEET: A self-described ‘nutritionist’ with lips and breasts filled with harsh chemicals has added her voice to the ‘sugar is toxic’ movement.

Sydney’s Linley Brulia is backing up scientific research showing that sugar has harmful effects on the metabolism and can contribute to the development of disease.

“Recent studies show evidence linking sugar consumption with breast cancer,” she says. “People who put sugar on their cereal have no idea what they’re doing to their bodies.”

Even without any formal qualifications, the Double Bay ‘nutritionist’ has her own ‘anti-sugar’ YouTube channel.

At the end of a healthy week of eating and making videos, she rewards herself with sleepless weekends of heavy cocaine and MDMA consumption.

“It’s all about balance,” she told DBT. “Being healthy doesn’t mean you cant have fun.”